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Meet Yeside

Lots of lessons to be learned with this next success story…..

A huge well done to Yeside on securing a role as a PMO Analyst

Dearest Adeshola

I’ve brought you good news.

I know one of the many reasons you started Tritek was to empower people,  giving as many people as possible a chance to have a career.

I came across Tritek on Instagram and I called the number straight away and fortunately it was Adeshola’s number, I spoke to her and she invited me for the taster session.

I was unable to attend the taster session but still went in on the day, I got there as the students were leaving and waited for Adeshola to give me some audience and to my amazement she pulled me to the side and asked me what I wanted. I told her either BA/ PM and she said you are more of a PMO…. she did not stop there, she offered me a generous discount and said ” I want this to be the last training you do before you get a job” so I registered with the little I had (bless you).

The training started, it progressed and roles were allocated, I got a PMO role, oh well, I accepted it with thanks.

Fast forward to proactive thinking, I asked Adeshola if I could stop by at her office to help out for the experience, she said her door is opened. I went in when I could (sometimes with my children) and they were always welcomed. She showed me how to navigate basecamp and handed me over to Kabir who became my tutor, the support just gave me a new zeal. I helped out at the taster sessions, picked up some skills (too shy to say what ) and my confidence grew.

Project Divine was my live project, I learnt a lot from Femi, my Project Support Analyst, Stephanie the PM and every team member had an impact, the morale and attitude towards the task was so encouraging. I just had to work with the same energy and vibes. I learnt how to manage difficult stakeholders(lol) and at every stage I had my lesson learnt. I made friends and my list is long from the programme office to projects….


The good news

I got a job as a PMO Analyst with an American company through referral. I had an interview that I had only hours to prepare for and this is where LMS and basecamp comes in, again I got a lesson learnt from that which is” what is worth doing, is worth doing well”

There’s a testimony to my story but my commitment attracted help from everyone.

The story started with you Adeshola, thank you

My first interview, first job and I did not go looking, it came…