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Meet Bob

A huge well done to Bob Manuel on securing a role as a Business Analyst!

I Joined Tritek in November 2018, looking to pursue a career in business analysis as I was getting bored with my current job & it’s anti-social nature.

Attended a taster session, enjoyed it thought ok this will be easy not realising how much extra work I had to put in to make it work. I was assigned to my first project, half way through the client changed the scope & the project was stalled big time, at this point one of my team members got a job as a Scrum Master, I was like ok my turn soon.

Waited over 2 months for a second project whilst constantly feeding myself with info from LMS which honestly is like a mobile brain, has enough info for whatever you need.

Second project kicked off, had hiccups but got delivered. I was beginning to doubt if the career was for me as it felt like I was just wasting my time, sitting in meetings till late doing most of the work as my team was not very motivated. Started the project with 17 team members and ended with just 4.

My subscription ended & I renewed it because of how much information I got from LMS & thought let me give it one final try.

After almost 3 months got assigned to a 3rd project, I just wanted to be a team member, but a certain Tritek admin for some reason thought otherwise & made me a lead which I wasn’t very happy about but took on the challenge as I thought it’ll push me out of my comfort zone.

This is where the real struggle started, my job got in the way had to join meetings sometimes whilst working, Did a lot of extra hours of studying, was assigned a mentor & got dropped because I was barely available to join sessions, was very disheartened as I gave myself a deadline & time was almost up.

Funny thing is when the universe is ready for you, it’ll put things in place to make it happen.

I had a very supportive project team, an amazing deputy that was able to step in whenever needed & we managed to deliver a very successful project.

So I got reassigned to my old mentor & gave myself 6 weeks to get a job then the big daddy of them all “COVID-19” came & pooped on my parade. At this point I said to myself maybe this is not for me, literally packed up shop & thought you know what I’m done.

Then came this important message which I ignored for a day lol. Finally replied & was speaking to an old Tritek admin team member & she recommended this agency which I got in contact with gave in my cv, next day I got a call concerning a role. I showed interest, got an interview the following day & got a call back that my interview was very good, that I was a top performer amongst the candidates for the role, now the waiting game began. I was still in doubt as I haven’t heard anything back. Just when I thought of getting a van to start doing deliveries, I got the email with an offer and a little bit of extra change on the salary.

After countless hours of applications, interviews that I spent 2-3 days prepping for, no replies from companies, late nights & giving up on a lot of personal time, it happened.

The moral of the story is, Tritek works if you want it to work for you. The information, assistance & support is available as long as you reach out.

A big thank you to Adeshola for not kicking me out after my taster session as I was a bit of a rebel & believing that I will be a good lead to deliver a project which is a brain child of hers which has finally come to light.